Monday 22 June 2009

The Wonder Years

Remeber when the world didn't suck? No, me neither. You realise that the world has always sucked quite a bit right? Probably even the pond slime that started this whole 'evolution' trip was like 'remember when all thiss was just pond slime? Now there are plants, DAMN PLANTS RUINING MY LAWN. They have no respect for us, their elders, WE CREATED THOSE PLANTS! Now look at them, just growing all over the show, them plants need to remember where they came from!' etc etc ad infinitum throughout time. My point is; the future is always better (as a general rule) and yet we always eulogise the past, thinking that their was some golden era that occurred *just* before this new generation of whippersnappers took hold and RUINED EVERYTHING. It was all fine and dandy till the kids showed up, amirite? Well, if that's true everyone stop creating new life. There's your answer. Or maybe, just maybe, stop being scared of change. We've got the reins now, there is very little chance of us messing up worse than you did so chill the fuck out.

Having said all that, remember The Wonder Years? Tuesday's at 6. A plate of chicken kiev and chips in front of you, ready to bust out a slow jam to this kickass tune. Those were the days right? The world justs pales in comparison to what it was back then.

Isn't weird when nostalgia becomes nostalgia? What's also weird is that Kevin (aka Judge Reinhold's kid from Vice Versa) now directs my new favourite sitcom? I find that weird.

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