Monday 26 October 2009

The Simpsons

It seems ridonkulous I haven't done these already. In case you're unaware, they are kinda iconic. For good reason:

Gotta love some Danny Elfman scoring n all.

Tuesday 20 October 2009


Dude, anyone of a certain age knows all the words to this little doozy:


'Wakko packs away the snacks / While Bill Clinton plays the sax' might just be the greatest couplet this side of Shakespeare.

Also Dot is Agnes Skinner? WORD. One thousand times WORD.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Family Matters

And stop. Hit mark. And turn and smile. Now you, and you, and you.

Good. Now we all understand the Urkle references in The Simpsons/ Cosby Show et al circa 1989-1998.

I love sassy looks to camera even more (alright, about as much) as I love little dogs in hats. Plus, how effing funky is this song? I am jamming to this sweet tune as we speak (try not to imagine this lest it causes you to be sick in your mouth).

Monday 5 October 2009


Another paper based title sequence following on from next week. What is it with paper and new shows in 2009? No-one told me it was celebrate paper artistically month (no-one tells me jack). I like this a lot though (from 3.48):

I also like bad raps in broken foreign languages as titles roll at the end.

Nearly as good as this.