Monday 28 September 2009

Bored to Death

It's not enough for him to act and write but my boyfriend also composed and sings this very cool theme song. Max Fischer needs to REE-LAX amirite?

I'm not sure about Bored to Death yet. On one hand, it's got my boyfriend Max Fischer (akakaka Jason Schwartzman) AND my boyfriend Zach (akaka 'the funny weird one from The Hangover? You fancy him? Um... oooooh kay'), on the other hand; the pilot was uneven AT BEST and though I often find Schwartzman's 'gee, huh? golly' schtick charming it is less charming when there is a girl being held captive and tied to a bed and basically being raped (? I think? There seemed to be that implication) and you are offering to share your pot with the girls captor and 'gee, huh, gollying' all over the place. That seems less cool. I know I'm a hairy-legged humourless feminazi bitch face, and yes these dungarees are chaffing but still, something about that situation doesn't sit well with me.

The titles though? They do sit well with me. And that's what counts right? (That is totally the only thing that ever counts ever. Science)

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