Monday 11 May 2009

The Nanny

This is one of the best songs to play the earworm game on my family (where you hum a song very lightly around your intended target and wait patiently for them to get that song in their heads driving yourself, and others, slowly but surely insane - particularly where The Nanny is concerned).

I'm not sure why The Nanny has been in my life so much of late. I recently stumbled across a facebook fan page that informs me CC awesome enough to go gay for and working as a drama coach in Texas, that there are a lot of catwalk fashions that Fran (or *adopts nasal voice* Fraaaaan) shoulda worn, and that Dresher in real life wasn't just a implied whore but an actual slutbag in the parlance of some of my closest friends.

I know the nicest people.

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