Thursday 6 December 2007

Diff'rent Strokes

Right, here we are then. First 'proper' entry and I didn't even write it but BIG UPS to my main man Paddington's Shadow for this...

"I used to watch this show when I was younger thinking it was the coolest thing on the planet. I mean the title uses an apostrophe to replace the ‘e’. How cool can you get?

It all begins with an opening shot of New York letting you know just where all this madness happens. Then it goes a bit odd. It cuts to a posh car cruising through a run down street. The viewer can’t help but think that the driver of this car is only here either to score crack or pick up a lady of the night.

Now you get to see bad ass Drummond donning a beige suit and looking very business like and aloof. He’s gazing out of the window but what at? It’s at some ‘straight outta Brooklyn kids’ shooting some hoops. But of course, what other sports do the ghetto kids of America play? Well, you ain’t gonna be seeing them playing Lacrosse. You then see the two brothers introducing some fine skills by combining together to get a basket. The big one picks up the little one who throws it, and even though his throw is rubbish (it’s downwards). The next scene you see it going to the basket. They high five each other and it all looks very cute. But wait. The little one notices something and pulls his brother with him as he scampers off scene.

You then find out that Drummond was only here to pick up his two black kids and they run into his car. It’s almost like don’t worry kids I’m here to save you from this ghetto and take you away come with me. So next you see the posh car leaving the place and heading into the main part of the city. You see all three at the back (who’s driving the car?) where the littlest one, Gary Coleman, points at something in front of him. The car pulls up and Gary and his brother get out. Gary looks amazed as he looks up, and what is it he’s looking at? Well it’s the massive 80 storey block of penthouses. And then it ends in a rather creepy way with Drummond walking the two boys into the entrance, into his dungeon no doubt.

The title sequences pretty much describes the whole story in a nutshell, rich man takes two black boys who live in a run down area to a rich new life. However there’s massive gaps as to how they got to this situation leaving the viewer confused and relying on the facts which is that an old rich guy went to the ‘hood’ and bought two young black boys. Sounds a bit dodgy."

Many thanks to Paddington's Shadow for the excellent start he's given us for, what one hopes, will be many entries that delves deep into the psyche of the Title Sequence. (Also, FYI, do check out his blog as it has a big (metaphorical) golden stamp of Sazz approval).

If anyone else has any title sequences they want to discuss in an open forum then email me and I'll post them

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